Cutting costs through education, networking, and innovation
The Institute for Affordable Health Care (IAHC) is an organization dedicated to making U.S. health care more cost-effective without sacrificing quality.
A number of other organizations are aimed at goals similar to IAHC’s, including the Health Care Cost Institute (, the Council for Affordable Health Insurance (, the Institute for Clinical & Economic Review (, the Bi-Partisan Policy Center (, Stanford University’s Clinical Excellence Research Center (, the Health Care Systems Research Network (, and others. We are collaborating with some of these organizations as we pursue our common vision.
IAHC’s Executive Director is David G. Anderson, Ph.D. You can e-mail him at [email protected]
David G. Anderson, Ph.D., Executive Director
David G. Anderson, IAHC’s Executive Director, has over 30 years’ experience as a senior healthcare consultant, executive, and entrepreneur. He was a partner and managing director of three health care strategy consulting firms – APM, CSC Healthcare (which acquired APM), and BDC Advisors, LLC, where he serves as a Senior Advisor. As a senior strategy and organizational consultant Dave has worked with many of the largest health systems, academic medical centers, health insurers, and medical groups in the country, providing expertise in strategic planning, physician network and clinical program development, organizational transformation, mergers, acquisitions, and a host of other top-management issues. Previously, he was COO of a company providing care management services to large, self-insured employers, as well as a faculty member at the MIT Sloan School of Management, and an engagement manager at McKinsey & Company. While at McKinsey, he managed the research for the business best-seller In Search of Excellence, by Tom Peters and Bob Waterman. Dave holds MBA and PhD degrees from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and a BS from Yale University. He is the author of numerous papers on strategic planning, corporate venture management, cost management, ambulatory care, organizational development, and other topics.